10-Minute Makeup Must-Haves: Clinique Chubby Stick in Amp’d Up Apple
The 10-Minute Makeup Must-Haves series shows off some of *the best* makeup for speedy (but sensational!) skin, eyes, cheeks and lips.
This is gonna sound so cheesy, but this is my feel-good blush. 😊 I just feel really good when I wear it. It’s Clinique Chubby Stick Cheek Colour Balm in Amp’d Up Apple, and it’s $24. When I put a bit of this beautiful matte pinkish brown on my cheeks, I look like I just finished a round of crossover jumping jacks (which are surprisingly difficult)!
Wearing this blush is like working out…without having to actually work out. Cheeks look lovely and healthy with Amp’d Up Apple’s wash of pink color, so you look like you *did* show up, and you’re ready to bring it. When you want a little more than basic contrast, it’s a great way to go. Methinks there’s something very chic French girl about it.
I just feel beautiful in this blush, which is always a nice plus. 😊
The Chubby Stick Cheek Balms feel slightly wet, so they don’t fight you when you’re trying to blend them on your cheeks.