Adventures in Lemon Cheesecake Cookies!
OK, I finally took the lemon cheesecake cookie recipe I was planning to bake for Connor’s teachers out for a spin, and you’re probably gonna laugh because I do things like “baking test runs,” but I do them because…I’m me! 🙂 I just needed/wanted to do a test batch before doing the actual batch to give to the teachers. (I know. And LOL!)
I’m actually glad I did it because I figured out a few things in the process. One, I bought the wrong flour and didn’t realize it until I started measuring out the ingredients.
DOH! I was supposed to buy self-rising cake flour, but I accidentally bought regular cake flour instead. But there’s a fix for that. (Hang tight. More on this in a minute.)
Two, I left the cookies in the oven a little too long…so I don’t think they were cheesecake-y enough. They were slightly overbaked.
And three, tasty as they still were, they weren’t lemony enough. With the next batch, I’m going to kick up the amount of grated lemon peel a notch… I’m probably going to double it because I like my lemon cookies to be very lemony.
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