Easy Everyday Hair Styles for the Dog Days of Summer, Day 3: Wash-and-Wear Wow

And for more heat-less hair styles for the dog days of summer, check out…
- Day 1: The Woven Wonder
- Day 2: Textured, Tousled Waves
I don’t know if it’s because I’ve thoroughly embraced the triple “L”s (otherwise known as #lazyladylife), or if it’s because stepping outside right now feels like walking into the world’s largest oven, but I’m super into wash-and-wear hair right now. Beach babe meets laid-back French girl chic, if you please. Loose waves that willfully bend whichever way they want, with textured ends that signify that I tried enough to care about my hair this morning but didn’t obsess over every stray strand.
Lurves it!
And ya know, it’s also an instant pick-me-up, too, because I swear, I stand up straighter and smile wider 🙂 when my hair is even just a little bit done. It makes me feel like a functional human being.
For this easy hair style, I used Oribe products again because right now “Or” is my “bae.”
See what I did there…? 🙂 OK, that was pretty lame. I should not be allowed to say “bae” in public.