Frivolous Friday Chit Chat: Growing Out Gray Hair, J. Lo Makin’ Me Want to Go to Pilates Every Day, and Blending Boot Camp

Good morning, friend. Happy Friday…
I’m doing my best to smile and keep a positive cattitude right now, because I don’t want to evoke any more disappointment or sadness or frustration or pain at a time when the news is 24/7 heartbreaking.
If you’ve turned on the news once in the past two days, you know what I’m talking about. 🙁
So, let’s talk about frivolous stuff, because the serious issues will still be serious at the end of the day. We Americans will still have to figure these things out, but right now…at this moment, on this blog, I want to talk about things like gray hair.
Early yesterday morning, as I was getting ready to take Connor to her two-year pediatric checkup, I looked at my roots and thought, dammit, I really gotta do something about this situation, because I’m about two weeks from my next hair coloring appointment.
I don’t usually mind the process of covering up my grays myself during the weeks when my roots go from barely noticeable to OH, SH*T GIRL between salon visits, taking the root cover-up spray, and spraying it on, and then using the crayon for baby hairs up front.