MAC Fix+ Pinklite and Fix+ Goldlite | Irrational Robot Bling Fears

MAC Fix+ Pinklite and Fix+ Goldlite | Irrational Robot Bling Fears

MAC Fix+ Pinklite and Fix+ Goldlite | Irrational Robot Bling Fears

What am I missing? Am I not shaking these bottles enough? Did I not put enough on? Because I swear to hot dogs, I must have spritzed both Pinklite and Goldlite on my face 20 times, and, I mean, it feels really good. It always does when I spray regular MAC Fix+ on my face, and I expected these shimmery versions would to at least slightly dazzle, but I’m not seeing the dazzle.

Let me do it one more time…

OK, so I can see itty-bitty sparkle flecks if I get allllll up in my mix with my mirror, but they’re extremely subtle… Maybe too subtle for those desiring shiny robot bling shooting from your face at every angle. You’d probably have to open one of these bottles and straight-up pour it all over yourself or dunk yourself in a bathtub filled with it.

Either way, fleek highlights aren’t my thing at the moment, so I’m cool with how chill the effect is.

Sweet. Little. Tiny. Sparkles.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. TGIF. 🙂

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