Saturday Surfing, August 18th, 2018
Happy Caturday, sweetest! This lasagna is from Connor’s birthday party last March, and the reason you’re lookin’ at it now is because…I’m about to do something I never thought I’d ever try.
I’m going to make a gluten-free lasagna.
Rather, I’m going to try to make a gluten-free lasagna.
El Hub recently found out that he might have celiac, so he’s working with his doctor and going gluten-free for a few weeks to monitor his symptoms. So for this past week when I’ve made food for all of us, I’ve been doing gluten-free meals, which is why the aforementioned lasagna’s happening.
I’m also making a separate lasagna using regular pasta to bring to one to my neighbors, too. And I might also make a third one to have as a spare… (Yes, I’m a lasagna-making 🤖 machine.)
Saturday Surfing: Interesting tidbits I came across this week
- Favorite read —The journey of Katie Stubblefield, who became the youngest person in the U.S. to undergo a successful face transplant. It’s a long read and difficult at times, but by the end of it you’ll appreciate your face and everything it does for you that much more.
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