Saturday Surfing, December 15th, 2018
Good mornin’ and happy Caturday 😺 to ya.
Quick question: Have you ever wished that you could crochet for the sole purpose of being able to make a handmade sweater for your cat?
If yes, then you will totally get why I want this book I saw at Barnes and Noble!
I wonder how long the cats on the cover actually had those sweaters on…because Tabs would have slipped out quicker than a cheetah chasing dinner.
Anywho…if you’re looking for a gift for your favorite crazy cat lady, I think this would be purr-fect.
I’m taking it easy today because, once again, I caught a bug. 🙁 Yup, I made it cold-free for three weeks, so I guess it was time, LOL! Everyone tells me that the first year of preschool is the hardest because kids bring home everything, so everyone is sick all the time, and they weren’t kidding.
Oh, well. I’ve heard it tapers off around April, so fingers and toes crossed I make it till then, ha ha!
Now I’m off to go eat the hearty breakfast El Hub made for me and Connor.
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