Saturday Surfing, January 12th, 2019

Rise and shine, fellow feline friends and makeup fanatics, and happy Caturday! Have you kissed your kitty yet today?
So…yesterday afternoon I got a much-needed reminder from the universe to TAKE FREAKING BREAKS. Seriously! I put Connor down for her “nap,” a.k.a “rest time” now, because she’s at the point in her toddlerhood where she doesn’t always sleep anymore during nap time. Sometimes she just chills out in her crib looking through books or listening to music.
Anyway, I usually buzz around the house like a sprinter at nap time trying to do everything on my to-do list before she gets up, and even if I’m beyond tired, I power my way through it because it’s the biggest block of time I have.
But yesterday my body and mind desperately needed downtime, and for once I actually listened. Instead of tackling the tasks on my nap time to-do list, I put on my headphones, cranked up the music, took out some makeup and played.
And you know what? It was exactly what I needed. I felt SO much better after just doing my own thang for 30 minutes.
I’m doing the bronzy thing again with the #BECCABFFS collection.
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