Saturday Surfing, March 9, 2019

Saturday Surfing, March 9, 2019

Saturday Surfing, March 9, 2019

Hello and happy Caturday! I feel like Smokey the Bear saying “Only you can prevent forest fires” in this picture. I was taking pics of makeup and listening to Taylor Swift and… Well, you can guess how that went. I almost deleted the pics, but eh, life is short. If you can dance and laugh at yourself, you must not be doing *everything* completely wrong, ha ha! 🤣

On the VIP subject of nails, I finally painted mine yesterday afternoon while Connor was napping. This is two coats of Sally Hansen Mega Strength in She-Ro. Let’s hope it lives up to its name.

Oh, and please excuse the somewhat haphazardly done edges. I was too lazy to remove my contacts or look for my cheaters, so I couldn’t really see what I was doing. (Side note: If you ever want to challenge yourself, try painting your nails when you’re practically blind.)

On that note, now would be a really great time to 1) catch up on your weekly beauty reading, and 2) paint your nails! 💅

  • If you drive a Subaru 🚗 and wear perfume (or wash your hair with shampoo, use fabric softener, or wear nail polish or makeup), FYI, you may want to take your car in for a checkup, ASAP.

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