The Big Chop
You know how when you get a new haircut, it takes a while for it to “settle in”? (I make it sound like moving into a new neighborhood or starting a new job, hahaha.)
But you know how there’s usually that period right after a new cut when you and the new hair are getting to know each other better on your way to eventually figuring each other out?
Well, mine’s finally settled in, and I love it.
It feels so great having hair graze my shoulders again and not feel like it’s just in the way. It’s also really nice to have an actual style again, too. I finally feel like my hair isn’t in transition to something or somewhere in the between stages. It’s like, finally! — I’ve made it to point B.
The style is called a long bob, or a “lob” for short. There’s a little bit of layering, but not a whole lot, and that’s on purpose. I have a slight wave on the top layers, and I know from having many, many terrible haircuts that if there are too many layers when my hair is shoulder length or shorter, I end up with an unintentional mullet.