Thoughts on “The Voice” and Kelly Clarkson’s Makeup

Do you ever watch The Voice? Dude, I’ve been watching The Voice a lot lately, 1) it seems like they have a new season every 15 minutes, and 2) because I’m a sucker for any combination of the following: joking banter between Adam and Blake, Jennifer Hudson throwing shoes, and Kelly Clarkson talking a mile a minute about something and all of the judges teasing her for it.
Even though (grumble, grumble…) the show usually, as of late, culminates in America voting for a young, pretty pop female singer in the finale, it’s my favorite current guilty TV pleasure (that and Midsomer Murders).
Occasionally I yell things like “I would die. I would JUST DIE if I met Mariah Carey in person” at the television, or “I would bet money Kelly Clarkson’s wearing Urban Decay Naked Heat.”
Speaking of that, THE MAKEUP. It’s good. Especially Kelly’s. I’m always surprised by the stuff she wears because she really seems to love color and taking risks.
Mariah Carey has also been a guest coach in the last few knockout round episodes, and her style and Kelly’s are so different from each other.
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