Top 3 Favorite Holiday Films

Top 3 Favorite Holiday Films

Top 3 Favorite Holiday Films

I feel like I should have at least one Hallmark movie on this list, or maybe even a classic like It’s a Wonderful Life, but you know what? These are the three holiday movies I can watch over and over and over again, and I unapologetically love all of them.

1. The Sound of Music

At the top of the list is Sound of Music. I try to watch this one every year, but I don’t always get to because it’s so long — almost three hours (!) — but when I was a kid, every Christmas it was a staple holiday movie in our house. I realize that it’s not a traditional Christmas flick, but for me, because we always watched it over the holidays, it will always be the ultimate holiday movie. I love the music, love the scenery, love the acting and everything about it, and my dream is to someday go and visit all of the places where the movie was filmed. I especially want to go to the gazebo where Liesal jumps from bench to bench so I can leap across the benches, too (Side note: Here’s a story with a whole lot of fun facts about that scene).

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