Weird Things I Like to Do

1. Terrifically tiny
You’d think that most people would find miniature versions of makeup products mildly aggravating, because why have less when you can have MOAR? But the daintiness of diminutive perfume bottles, lipsticks and eyeshadow palettes like the NARS Wanted Mini Eyeshadow Palette have me hoarding all teh tiny treasures.
So what if they aren’t always practical? — especially the tiny tubes of mascara. (My hands suddenly seem Shrek-sized when I’m holding one of those tiny wands.) They’re just so darned cute.
I was looking at some of Connor’s tiny toys the other day and remembered how I used to love small doll-sized things when I was a kid. Apparently, I still like tiny treasures.
2. I like to torture myself with terrible movies.
If the dialogue sounds like it was written by a stoner eating Twinkies and Doritos at 3 a.m., I’m so there. Also, count me in if it involves an ex-reality TV star playing a zombie who, against all odds, saves the earth from alien invasion. But, duuuuuuude, key point: It’s not like I actually enjoy any of it! I’ll start up the movie, then see how long I can bear it before I can’t take it anymore and either need to change the channel or run out the front door screaming.
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