What Are Your Hobbies (Other Than Makeup)?

What Are Your Hobbies (Other Than Makeup)?

What Are Your Hobbies (Other Than Makeup)?

OK…so, this blog is called “Makeup and Beauty Blog.” I realize that. It was makeup that brought most of us together, but I’d love to hear about your other hobbies, too. What are your interests? Do you like antiquing? Renaissance fairs? Knitting? Hiking? Stand-up paddle boarding? Something else?

I like to cook and bake. I like gardening, reading, cat wrangling, exercising (well…sometimes it’s a love/hate thing), photography, and I love watching movies. A few years ago I tried knitting for a spell, but it didn’t take…most likely because I’m terrible at it. 🙂 So I quit. I also used to love going to a hip-hop dance class when we lived in Mill Valley, and I would do it again if I could find a studio nearby that I liked (have yet to find one).

Oh! — and if I had more energy and there were more hours in the day, I’d love to learn how to play a new instrument. Either the accordion or cello.

How about you? What are your hobbies (other than makeup)?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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