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Good morning, friend. Happy Friday… I’m doing my best to smile and keep a positive cattitude right now, because I don’t want to evoke any more disappointment or sadness or frustration or pain at a time when the news is 24/7 heartbreaking. If you’ve turned on the news once in the past two days, you know what I’m talking about. 🙁 So, let’s talk about frivolous stuff, because the serious issues will still be serious at the end of the day. We Americans will still have to figure these things out, but right now…at this moment, on this blog, I...

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Pretty sure I mentioned this the other day, but yeah, my lids are getting progressively more hooded every day. I think it’s just a getting older thing, but now I appreciate long-lasting liners like the MAC Liquidlasts THAT MUCH MORE, because if you’ve got a hooded lid situation, finding a liner that doesn’t transfer up into your crease can be harder than finding a chupacabra unicorn. Enter the MAC Liquidlast Liners. They’re long-lasting and water-resistant. A bunch of them that just landed on MAC counters and the MAC website ($21 each), but you might remember them from back in the...

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It’s not like a Mariah Carey diva spotlight shot down from the heavens in the middle of Trader Joe’s yesterday, but one might as well have. I was standing in front of the eggs gawking at an empty section on the top shelf where the liquid egg whites were supposed to be. Connor was sitting in the cart, and I looked at her and said, “THERE’S NOOOOO MORRRRRRRRE!” perhaps a little too loudly (and my family wonders where she gets her expressive tendencies). I was wearing, by the way, one of the two new MAC Patrick Starrr Face Kits with...

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So I’ve been doing The Five-Minute Journal now for about a month, and the big thing that’s helped me stick to it — and this is major because I’ve started and stopped more projects than I can count — is something so simple and really very elementary, and by ‘elementary’ I mean something that kids in kindergarten probably still do (because I did it about a bazillion years ago). This: tracking your progress every day with gold ⭐ stars. (I use hand-drawn Sharpie stars because I couldn’t find gold sticker stars anywhere in my town.) Every day you complete a...

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So…what is the Monday Poll? Good question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past gazillion years (more than 10!). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a great start. 👍 1. Shall we have doughnuts now or later? Now, obviously. Is someone bringing coffee?? If not, I volunteer as tribute, since there can be no 🍩 doughnuts without ☕ coffee. 2. Have you ever worn a crown or...

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