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Saturday Surfing, January 12th, 2019
Rise and shine, fellow feline friends and makeup fanatics, and happy Caturday! Have you kissed your kitty yet today? So…yesterday afternoon I got a much-needed reminder from the universe to TAKE FREAKING BREAKS. Seriously! I put Connor down for her “nap,” a.k.a “rest time” now, because she’s at the point in her toddlerhood where she doesn’t always sleep anymore during nap time. Sometimes she just chills out in her crib looking through books or listening to music. Anyway, I usually buzz around the house like a sprinter at nap time trying to do everything on my to-do list before she...
Saturday Surfing, February 9th, 2019
Aloha caturday! Last day of our trip out here, and today is all about saying goodbyes and soaking up the last rays of tropical sunshine. I say this every time we leave the islands, but I sure am going to miss Hawaii…especially now that it’s winter on the mainland and, from what I hear, chilly back home in Norcal. But I miss my tabby and our little condo…and my bed. I hope Tabs lets me ease my way back into work next week, because you know how he can be sometimes. He can be quite the taskmaster. Now I gotta...
A wireless implant bypasses spinal-cord injuries in monkeys,...
A wireless implant bypasses spinal-cord injuries in monkeys, enabling them to move their legs.Doing the same thing with humans will be more complex, says Courtine: the brain decoding is much more complicated. The primate study, for example, used electrical activity recorded from the spinal cord before the injury and “played it back” to restore movement, notes Bouton. “That’s an approach that wouldn’t be practical after an actual spinal-cord injury,” he says.Via Nature: Brain implants allow paralysed monkeys to walk
A second bunch of data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia...
A second bunch of data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite has been released today and the archive is live now. Gaia creates richest star map of our Galaxy – and beyond A multitude of discoveries are on the horizon after this much awaited release, which is based on 22 months of charting the sky. The new data includes positions, distance indicators and motions of more than one billion stars, along with high-precision measurements of asteroids within our Solar System and stars beyond our own Milky Way Galaxy.Image caption: Gaia’s sky in colour.Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC.h-t Sean M. Carroll Facebook pageComparison between Gaia’s...
Weird Things I Like to Do
1. Terrifically tiny You’d think that most people would find miniature versions of makeup products mildly aggravating, because why have less when you can have MOAR? But the daintiness of diminutive perfume bottles, lipsticks and eyeshadow palettes like the NARS Wanted Mini Eyeshadow Palette have me hoarding all teh tiny treasures. So what if they aren’t always practical? — especially the tiny tubes of mascara. (My hands suddenly seem Shrek-sized when I’m holding one of those tiny wands.) They’re just so darned cute. I was looking at some of Connor’s tiny toys the other day and remembered how I used...